Wednesday, 7 December 2011

My Magazine Description

This is a description of what I what my magazine to represent.

After consideration I have decided to use FORTE as my magazine name, I thought this was better than 'Off The Wall' because it isn't as long and it stands out more, it isn't really a conventional name for a magazine, but when looking into the meaning of the word it means to "play loudly" which I thought would really represent my magazine well.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Phootshoot and Design Ideas

These particular images are inspirational to me. The layout of each of these photos are minimalist and simple with the sole intention of concentrating on the artist or object captured.
I like the use of monochrome and colour, and with that the colour is minimal on the page. I would like to use this effect when I start constructing my music magazine.
On a few of the photos the background has a white/ grey lighting behind the main image, I think this is a good effect and the main image stands out more. I will also keep this in mind when I start capturing photos for my magazine.
Furthermore I like the use of props, the photos that I have chosen below are good examples of what I think look really good and attractive.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Music Magazine Mind Map - Pre Production

This was just a mind map that I made, which threw around ideas of what I what my magazine to represent, some of them i will actual use and other I will not.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Flat Plans - Music Magazine - Front Cover

These are the plans that I will use as a template when I construct my magazine.

Flat Plans - Music Magazine - Contents Pages

These are the plans that I will use as a template when I construct the contents page for my magazine.


Flat Plans - Music Magazine - Double Page Spread and Third Page for Lead Article

Like the previous images these are the flat plans I will base my Double Page Spread and the Third Page for the lead article on.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Masthead Designs

 Whilst using Photoshop CS5 I played around with different fonts and brushes to create various masthead designs for my music magazine.
Each of the designs are my interpretations of music and how the mastheads depict the pop/rock ambiance. Particularly with the last design as the imaging consists of a pixalated guitar.
However I think that the third design would be more suitable for a magazine, it isn't too distracting but it is still looks good. I think I will most likely choose this design for my masthead.