Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Music Magazine - Reader Profile

This is my reader profile that I created from the answers I collected from my survey analysis.
I felt these images really portrayed the unanimity of those participants that completed the survey and therefore potential readers.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Music Magazine - Survey Analysis

This is a Powerpoint presentation on the collection of result given to my survey.
The survey was intended to be asked so I could see what type of target audience I would be creating a music magazine for and what specific features the magazine should have so that it would appeal to them.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Music Magazine Audience Research

Please can you complete this survey so I can see what type of music magazine you would be interested in, to potentially buy.
Thank you.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Music Magazine - Research & Evaluation

This presentation is an analysis of current mainstream magazines, I look at in detail each of their Front Covers, Contents Page and Double Page Spread.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Reader Profile

Here is my very first reader profile that just throws around some ideas of what people might expect in a potential magazine - the quotes are from when I have asked people what they think about different areas of media.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Talk - College Magazine

These are my first magazine projects I created in Photoshop CS5.
The aim of this task was to design a magazine that would appeal to college students, bearing in mind it must be appropriate for the target audience. In this case it would be teenagers aged between 15-19

My Front cover for the college magazine

The contents cover for the college magazine