Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Flat Plans - College magazine

This is my Front Cover

Here is the Contents Page rough design
This is the rough outline of what my college magazine will generally look like when I finish it.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

My Magazine Inspirations

Similar to the CD Cover presentation, I also looked at a few magazine front covers and made a few opinions on what I thought they represented and how they were appealing.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Pink Album, writing techniques


When looking at Pink's album cover she has the effect of a black and white background and the pink coloured writing of her name in the foreground. Although the background can be seen through the writing.
I attempt to use this effect by using a different Pink picture and trying to get the colouring similar and and still see the background.

Using Adobe Photoshop CS5, I first changed the adjustments of this photo to black and white, and idividually added 4 text boxes for each letter. Filled each letter to pink and increased the size. To turn the 'i' by free transforming the letter there is a double ended arrow in the corner that allows me rotate the letter.
To create the effect so I can see the background I had to individually double click on their layers and change the 'Blend mode' to Multiply.

Once finished this is the final product!


Monday, 3 October 2011

Album Covers Interpretation

I made this on Powerpoint and it just shows different CD covers that I thought were interesting to myself .
I choose different genres of music so I could get a wider variety to compare between.